Word list
Antonio Robles
1.) Herbicide - Item used to kill plants.
Sentence: Herbicides should be kept away from the garden as they can harm the soil and the plants.
2.) Compost - A varying number of organic decaying material used to enrich soil.
Sentence: Organic material should be gathered in the compost bin to later be used an nutrients.
3.) Wildlife - Undomesticated animals living out in the wild
Sentence: Whenever you go camping you should be careful of the dangerous wildlife.
4.) High Nitrogen Fertilizer - A fertilizer rich in nitrogen
Sentence: The High Nitrogen Fertilizer is important because nitrogen is an important nutrient for plants
5.) Horticultural - The art or process of cultivating land
Sentence: Horticulture is an important practice that should be kept in mind especially when working with new compact soil.
6.) Hypae - Structure of fungi which goes underground
Sentence: Be careful whenever cultivating the soil, as you may damage the Hypae of some fungi
7.) Aphids - A tiny insect, part of the aphididea
Sentence: Be watchful of aphids as they can damage your plants
8.) Pesticides - Any chemical or sprays used to rid an area of unwanted animals
Sentence: Only use organic pesticides as synthetic ones can damage the soil.
9.) Insecticides - Chemicals used to kill insects
Sentence: Insecticides can be useful when your garden becomes overrun.
10.) Fungicides - Sprays or applicable substamces used to destroy fungi
Sentence: Fungicides aren’t always necessary as some fungi are useful.
11.) Pest - organism that is inconvenient to an area of life
Sentence: Pests can be very annoying when they become too numerous.
12.) Silviculture - Cultivation of forest trees
Sentence: Silvicuture will be useless in our garden because it’s a garden not a forest.
13.) Viniculture - Art of making wines
Sentence: Viniculture will be useless in our garden because we aren’t making wine, right?
14.) Agriculture - Process of gathering livestock or crops
Sentence: Agriculture is a particularly useful practice in a large farm.
15.) Rototilling - Breaking soil with a rototiller
Sentence: Rototilling can be a far more useful tool for cultivation as opposed to a shovel or cultivator.
16.) N-P-K - The three most important nutrients to soil for plants
Sentence: You will always need Potassium, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in your soil to have a successful garden.
17.) Cation - A positively charged ion.
Sentence: Cations lack electrons because they often donate them. A natural cation might be Hydrogen.
18.) Anion - A negatively charged ion
Sentence: Anions have a negative charge and will often have more electrons than in their regular original state.
19.) Kingdoms - Classification of life, in five major catagories
Sentence: It is important to know the different Kingdoms in order to better identify a species.
20.) Archaebacteria - Microorganisms with RNA and a cell wall that differs from that of other organisms
Sentence: Archaebacteria are one of few single celled bacteria to have cell walls rather than cell membranes.
21.) Eubacteria - Round rod shaped bacteria
Sentence: Eubacteria vary in function but always remember to prevent yourself from ingesting them.
22.) Animal - Members of the family Animalia, is multicellular.
Sentence: Animals rage in size, but all that belong to this family are eukaryotes.
23.) Plants - Multi cellular organism belonging to the family plantae
Sentence: Plants vary but all have a cell wall and vacuoles.
24.) Fungi- A kingdom with different fungus groups
Sentence: Fungi can be useful for breaking down dead matter for a better purpose.
25.) Protists - Single celled organisms within the kingdom protista
Sentence: Protists are small organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista.
26.) Micrometer - A small precise device used to measure small things
Sentence: It’s amazing how much life can be found in soil using a micrometer.
27.) Flora - Any plants that exist in a location during any given time.
Sentence: The flora in any location will likely be different than that of another biome.
28.) Fauna - Animals in any that exist in a location during any given time.
Sentence: The fauna in certain areas are accustomed to their locations and have a high chance of survival.
29.) Protozoa - A large group of the kingdom Protista
Sentence: Protozoa are small bacteria, they have means of moving themselves through consuming energy.
30.) Nematodes - Any elongated non-segmented worm
Sentence: Nematodes can be a huge pest since they can be small and many.
31.) Food web - Different organisms related by consumer-prey relation
Sentence: The food web shows the interactions between different animals or plants. It often involves them eating each other.
32.) Microarthorpods - Microscopic jointed animals (or insects)
Sentence: Microarthropods can fill many roles in the garden ranging from pest eating insects to the pest themselves.
33.) Photosynthesis - The process of plants preforming cellular respiration
Sentence: Photosynthesis is important to plants, just like we need to breathe they need to undergo photosynthesis.
34.) Exudate - Excrete chemicals
Sentence: Most living organisms exudate in some form and those exudates can be used by something else.
35.) Rhizosphere - The layer of ground that goes about 2 mm deep.
Sentence: When working in the garden the rhizosphere is your primary concern when planting.
36.) Amoeba - Any protozoa belonging to the phylum Rhizopoda
Sentence: Amoebas are small single cell organisms that belong the phylum of Rhizopoda
37.) Paramecium - Freshwater protozoan with an oval body and long deep oral groove.
Sentence: You might find Paramecium in the well at the center of the garden.
38.) Flagellates - Filiform branches coming braching off of a plant
Sentence: You should be careful when near strawberries because its flagellates might break off.
39.) Ciliates - A protozoan of the phylum Ciliophora
Sentence: Ciliates are small bacteria that belong to the phylum Ciliophora.
40.) Microbes - A microorganism, mainly any pathogenic life form.
Sentence: Be careful when dealing with microbes as some can be harmful to your health.
41.) Chemosynthesis - Process of synthesising chemicals
Sentence: Chemosynthesis can be useful for human because of what can be produced for our use with little of our own work.
42.) Wax and Wane - To grow strong and then wither away
Sentence: All living things wax and wane.
43.) Fertilizer - Any compounds (in/organic) used to increase the fertility of soil so that plants may grow
Sentence: Fertilizer is important for the maintenance of any garden or plot.
44.) Arthropods - Invertebrates of the family Arthropoda, and consists of segmented worms.
Sentence: Arthropods can be distinguished from Anthropods from the lack of joints.
45.) Aggregates - A cluster of something
Sentence: There are many different aggregates, especially of fungi, around the garden.
46.) Fodder - Raw material, typically used for something other than its original purpose
Sentence: A lot of fruit peels can be used for fodder in the compost bin.
47.) Pathogen - Illness spreading organism
Sentence: Pathogens are very harmful for your health.
48.) Mycorrhiza - Sybiotic relationship between fungi
Sentence: You can find Mycorrhiza all over the garden.
49.) Inhibitory - Pretaining to something that prevents the function of something else
Sentence: You can find all sorts of inhibitory compounds in synthetic fertilizers.
50.) Streptomycin - An antibiotic produced by soil
Sentence: Streptomycin can be useful when dealing with pathogens that hurt plants.
51.) Ammonium - An isotope of ammonia
Sentence: Ammonium can be synthesized from ammonia being put through chemical reactions.
52.) Ecosystem - A system of biotic and abiotic factors interacting with each other within an area.
Sentence: An ecosystem can be harmed when invasive species are introduced.
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